… But I remembered old familiar friends,
And I was silent, thinking of old names.
– John Holmes
Our Classmates Remembered
(Blue indicates that our classmate passed since our 50th reunion)
- Frank Alberti
- Robert Ash
- Ademola Babajide
- Robert Bander
- Ellen (Weber) Bell
- Michael Berger
- Marie (Venerose) Bertoline
- Susan Gamer Blacklow
- Janet (Berstein) Blumenthal
- David Bomberger
- David Boynton
- William K. Brown
- Doris (Schofield) Bryant
- David Buckley
- Caroline Burdett
- Thomas Clinton
- Maurice Colbert
- Thomas Connor
- Roger Cotting
- Lindsay (McLean) Crosby
- Barbara Cunningham
- Calvin Cutter
- Eugene DeWitt
- Edward Dlott
- Maureen (Anderson) Dunn
- Robert Fitzgibbons
- Elaine Follis
- Jill (Rudes) Forrest
- Peter Frigon
- Thomas Gallagher
- Stephen Gariepy
- Anne Garland
- Brian Gaylord
- Sybil (Killourhy) Goldman
- Roberta (Harris) Grahn
- Charles Grant
- Clifton Greenwood
- Frank Guilfoyle
- John (Nick) Hall
- Ellyn Hamilton
- William Harrigan
- Jeffrey Hart
- John Hawthorne
- Abigail (Warnes) Hazlett
- Jerome Healey
- Patricia (Kane) Hennin
- Bernice Hillman
- Niilo Huuskonen
- Robert Johnson
- Richard Jones
- Fern (Miller) Kaplan
- Peter Kaszyk
- Elisabeth Kay
- Nancy Keisker
- Lucinda (Farmer) Krauter
- Joseph Lachowicz
- George Leach
- Eric Lehto
- Richard Leigh
- Elliott Lerman
- George Levenson
- Phoebe (Boxer) Lewis
- Robert Lombard
- Jerome Long
- Lawrence Ludden
- Jeffrey Lukens
- David Lundin
- Lawrence Lynn
- Alan MacDougall
- Joseph Maggiacomo
- Cyrus Manzoor
- Stephen McHugh
- John McKenna
- Michael Micavich
- David Morse
- Maren (Gale) Moxham
- Robert Mullen
- Leslie Sommer Munzer
- Philip Myers
- Herbert Nelson
- Arthur Nitzburg
- William Nye
- Douglas Palmer
- Arthur Pearl
- John Pike
- Carolyn (Chessin) Prensky
- Edward Pringle
- Mary Reeves
- David Rose
- Ellen (Greenfield) Rosenberg
- Harvey-Ann Diskint Ross
- Lawrence Rubinson
- Jeanne Sandak
- Ruthann (Ringwald) Saphier
- Joseph Scaring
- William Scarlata
- Leslie (Intriligat) Schpero
- Thomas Schuster
- John (Jack) Sebastian
- Phyllis (Pintzuk) Seidman
- Kenneth Simonetti
- Peter Smith
- Ruth (Dunn) Souza
- Jeffrey Stahl
- Elaine (Friedle) Steinmann
- Lance Stewart
- John Sullivan
- John Tanner
- Leon Thal
- Peter Thompson
- John Trela
- Judith (Farrell) Vanscoy
- Anne Vogel
- Barbara Waka
- George Walters
- David Warren
- Craig Ward
- David Warren
- Carolyn (Rand) Whitaker
- Jonathan Wilderman
- Clark Wilson
- Neville Wilson
- Margaret Winter
- Kenneth Zalkin