Thursday, May 14
- 2:30 pm – student led shuttle tour of the campus focused on the newer buildings
- The first floor lounge in Harleston Hall (formerly South Hall) is reserved for our class for informal get-togethers throughout the weekend
- 8:00 pm – Presentation by classmate Fred Ptucha on his Climbing for Peace. Harleston Hall first floor lounge
Friday, May 15
12:00 noon – 55 & Over Luncheon sponsored by the Tufts Alumni Association in the Dewick-MacPhie Dining Hall. Our class will sit together.
- 1:30 – 3:30 pm – Digital Collections and Archives Reading Room, ground floor Tisch Library. Do your recollections of student life at Tufts match up with history on the Hill in the 60’s? Join your classmates to explore student newspapers, yearbooks, images, and other materials related to our experience. Pam Hopkins, Public Services and Outreach Archivist, has graciously agreed to do an introduction to the Archives and to the material. We’ll have plenty of time for questions, looking at the material, and sharing stories. Note: Ms. Hopkins presentation will begin at 2:15 pm. RSVP to Connie Williams Nyhan, 310-562-4445 (cell);
Saturday, May 16
- 9:30 am – Class Meeting in Harleston Hall Lounge. We will remember those we have lost, then classmates Bob Hormats and Bob Lehrman will share their thoughts about the state of our country and the world. The former has been working for Henry Kissinger for the past 5 years and the latter has just written a book about political speechwriting. We will end with the opportunity for discussion.
- 6:00 pm – Class Reception, Dinner, and Celebration – Alumnae Hall. Our Class Picture will be taken at 6:30 pm during the reception. Our own piano man, classmate Steve Richardson, will play following dinner (and we’ve been known to do some singing).